Monday, December 12, 2011

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...

It truly was amore when I ate the pizza I'm about to show you.

I have never made homemade pizza before... well, I take that back. On the last day of school with my kindergartners (all 3 of them that showed up) we made pizza out of English muffins, sauce, cheese, and pepperoni... uncooked little pizzas... they were actually really good. But I have never made a real-deal homemade pizza so I was excited when my sister suggested it for lunch on a Sunday afternoon to celebrate our dad's birthday.

My sister was in charge of bringing the dough and any toppings she wanted and I was getting /had the rest. Now for the dough, my mother-in-law makes homemade pizza with real-throw-it-in-the-air dough, well I don't really know if she throws it in the air but I wouldn't doubt it... it's really good and tastes like the real thing.
We didn't quite go that route. Instead our dough was Pillsbury, and who can resist that little dough boy? It looks like the crescent rolls only one large sheet of them.

We used 2 cans and so we each made our own pizza. My sister made hers veggie style with peppers, onions, zucchini I think... the works. It was a really pretty pizza.

My pizza was just as pretty, just as creative, and maybe even more unique...
Hiding the pepperoni under some more cheese... a surprise in every bite, an exciting addition to this masterpiece of artistic wasn't like that at all, Jeff just thought there should be more cheese on it and the pepperoni was already there, hence the hiding meat. I'm not that creative. And the other side where there's nothing but pure cheesiness... yeah that's all mine. I'm a simpleton, not really the daring type when it comes to pizza consumption. I just really like cheese pizza, it's my thing.

Then it was time to bake them, which didn't take long at all. My sister's came out looking so tasty... even to a plain-Jane like me.

Mine... well I guess it wasn't special enough because there aren't any pictures of it. But I assure you it tasted as good as you can imagine it looked.

And, I did try the veggie pizza, it was good, I like veggies, I like pizza, but together, it's just not my thing. Cheese pizza you will forever be my tried and true.

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