Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blue Baby or Pink Baby?

Since I shared the news that I am  having a little bundle of joy, I figured I would share what that little bundle is... yes a baby of course, but is it a boy or girl. Oh the suspense!

We had our ultrasound in February and decided that we wanted to find out whether the baby was a boy or girl, but not right away. We asked the nurse to write down the gender on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. She also printed two ultrasound pictures, the ones we couldn't look at or it would give it away, and typed on them what the baby was. We gave the envelope to a baker and she was going to make a cake with blue or pink frosting on the inside to be cut at our gender reveal party... What's that? It's a party to reveal the gender of our baby, clever right? I saw a bunch of ideas on different sites and thought it would be fun to have family and friends share with us in finding out the gender. And that's what I'm sharing with you, all about our gender reveal party and what our baby is... is the suspense killing you?

We had the party at our friend's, Stephenie and Bryan's, house. It was fun decorating with blue and pink and thinking of cute little details to make it festive.

 We had little activities for our family and friends to do during the party. They voted what they thought the gender was and they wore the color of ribbon on their shirts.

I was very sure it was a boy
We also played a game where Stephenie asked me a bunch of old wives tales related to my pregnancy and charted the results.
Like I said, I was pretty convinced the baby was a boy. Not that I believe old wives tales... I just had this feeling.
Olivia, Stephenie and Bryan's daughter, predicted that I was going to have a "pink baby"
So, who am I to believe, old wives or a two year old? Good question.

Let's get on with the cake cutting then. Everyone was pretty anxious to cut into it and see.



Blue baby?

Pink baby?


Not to burst anyone's bubble but we have a little secret... we shared it before we cut the cake... Jeff and I peeked at the ultrasound pictures the night before... gasp... I know. But we really wanted to have the moment we found out what our baby was to be between the two of us. It felt so much more special that way. And we are so glad we did, it's a great memory for us. Plus, we were really able to focus on everyone else and their excitement since we already knew. So... gotcha... we knew the whole time!

The rest of the time we enjoyed cake and cupcakes... so yummy, and talked about how exciting it is to think we're having a little girl.

A daughter... we are so thrilled!

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