Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Proverbs 31 and Crohn's Part 2

So, as of the last post we now all know what the problem is and what the hopeful solution is to that problem...

Now, about Proverbs 31. The woman in this chapter is remarkably beautiful, hard-working, generous, kind, passionate, and full of love. I want to be that woman. And when it comes to how it relates to my Crohn's, well it really relates to everything in life... and right now it specifically relates to how I am going to do this 'diet.' 

There is a lot of convenience now-a-days with the food we eat. You're hungry grab a Snickers, you have a hankering for sweets, grab a scoop of ice cream... a big scoop, you crave salty, open up a bag of potato chips and have at it. Easy.Simple.No thought. at.all. So, to do a diet that means no packaged, processed, or bagged anything I need to be creative, and I need to be disciplined. And to do a diet that requires fresh, organic, real food, I need to be on top of meal planning and preparing food, for every meal. 

All of this is good and honestly it's how it should be, I believe it's how God intended it to be. But, I'm not gonna lie... it's hard. I'm a born and raised American who likes things quick and my way, right away. That just doesn't sound right though... does it? And it certainly doesn't sound like the woman so eloquently pictured in Proverbs 31.

I love every verse of this chapter starting in verse 10. And I would encourage you to read it... but I want to point out a few verses that really stuck out to me, in other words, verses that God convicted me with, as in, do you see what that's saying? listen, I'm talking to you...
Verse 13- ...And willingly works with her hands.  
 I love that it says willingly... that's the convicting part. I want to wholeheartedly, completely, joyously do all I need to do for my family and home... willingly. 

Verse 14- She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household
"rises while it is yet night"... so confession, I'm not a morning person. I want to be but it doesn't come easy. I do have to say that after having a baby and waking up at any time you have to for your child, it did get a little easier. But I need to heed those words. To rise before my family and provide them with food... simply put, make sure my husband leaves the house with a full belly and not a handful of cinnamon swirl bread and a granola bar.

Verse 27- She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness
That's a big one... idleness. It's easy to say, especially when talking to other women, "Oh, I was so busy too, I just have so much to do during the day." And in the back of my mind thinking back to how I perused a few blogs, looked up a bunch of random stuff, spent a little extra time in bed before getting up. Yeah, that one hurts. 

When it comes down to it the most important role and job this woman had was to her Maker and Savior,  
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." vs.30

So, in a nut shell with my Crohn's and in everything, I am trying. Well, I am praying, that God would strengthen me, direct me, and help me as I aspire to be not only a woman who's children call her blessed, who's husband praises her, but a woman who God tells, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Tomorrow... how day one of The Maker's Diet went... did we survive? Dun, dun, dun!!! (hopefully that one will have pictures... posts are so much better with pretty pictures) 

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