Thursday, August 25, 2011

Yep, that's me

To fully understand where I'm getting at with this post (my first ever!)  read my About Me, over there on the right. Ok, now that it's read I can go on. This blog has been started mainly because of the last thing mentioned. I have Crohn's. What's Crohn's? Good question. You're glad about it? Even better question. I'll start with the Crohn's. But to be honest to explain to you what it is in detail would be boring. This is the part I explain that Crohn's is a digestive disease where there is inflammation in various parts of the digestive system; intestines, stomach, colon, etc....blah blah blah... That's what I feel like people hear when the technical words start flyin.

So instead of giving the doctor's answer to what is Crohn's I'll give you my answer; what Crohn's is for me. Wait, please keep reading, let me assure you this blog is not all about an inflamed intestinal disease, but doesn't that sound fun! It's about more so stick with me.

Back to Crohn's. For me Crohn's affects my small intestine. So in a nut shell what I eat triggers what I feel. By the time dinner comes I'm hoping my delicious meal will do its thing and pass through my small intestine with flying colors... if it doesn't I'll know. Cramping and fullness hit me at that 3 hour mark when my food is trying to move on and get 'er done, but it can't. That's where the inflammation comes in and rears it's lovely head. Thankfully I'm on medication that helps with keeping it all under control. Helps being the key word. See I truly believe I have a Healer who is far bigger and better than any little pill. Don't get me wrong, I love my doctor and her wisdom and prescriptions are good, and I am all for it, but my God is greater. I'll share more about my experience with medications and my God soon.

About the being glad part.You may be asking, "What are you crazy or something? How can someone have a disease and be happy about it?" Well, I didn't say I was glad I had it. But through it I am truly glad. All the time? When the cramps and discomfort hit? When you have to stop what you're doing cause it's not so pretty? No, I'm not always happy, those times aren't fun. But it's in those times I find gladness; joy. Not in Crohn's, but in my Healer. If anything I'm at a place where I have it and I always will, but I also have a faithful God and always will.

So really the blog is about finding true gladness, true and complete joy. Not in my circumstances but in my Savior. And as I experience joy and the ups and downs of a disease I'm learning ways to make it a little more bearable, and even fun. I really enjoy cooking and believe what we eat really makes a difference on how we feel.

So I'll be cooking and blogging, and eating and blogging. And sharing my little bit of knowledge with you as I go.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure...
-Psalm 16:9

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