Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A yummy weekend

This past weekend was full of deliciousness. Now I do have to say that going to restaurants always makes me a little leery. Especially ones I've never been to. Having Crohn's and knowing what I eat affects how I feel can sometimes evoke a fear in restaurants. One, because I don't know what the food is made with... it could be too oily, greasy, fatty, all things that lead to a general feeling of 'yuck'. Two, the portion sizes are usually enough to feed the Duggar family with some left over. And like I said in a previous post, small portions=happy belly... most of the time. With all that prefaced I can now indulge you in the weekend chock-full of good eats.

It all started on Friday when my husband and I went on a date, cue sound effect, 'aww'. It was really fun. We went to The Melting Pot. Let me just say gooey, cheesy, goodness bubbling in a pot right in front of my face made my heart sing.
Mmmm is right! They brought out little pieces of bread, little pieces of apple, little pieces of veggies, and some chips. Hence the 'little' in all the food. I thought, finally a restaurant that has its portion sizes under control. And on top of that the waiter mixed the ingredients in front of us, so we saw what went into this bowl of cheesy beauty.
Like I said the pieces to dip in the cheese were tiny. So far so good.

Then they bring out the meat and sauce to dip it in. Along with more veggies. Small pieces of meat, check. Cooked in front of me, check. I was good to go.

But then... dun, dun, dun
The chocolate. Oh yeah. So I thought there's no way one can go to The Melting Pot and not get a giant bowl of melting chocolate. One would be cra-zy. And the desserts were so, again, little.
We all know the saying "two wrongs don't make a right." Well I learned that 12 'littles' do make one big wrong. Needless to say I felt full. More full than I expected. Note to self just because the food is little doesn't mean you should eat all of it and then some. Lesson learned.

On to the second part of my yummy weekend. Oh that's right there's more. Could this get any better, I'd say so.

Saturday, Jeff and I spent the evening with our friends Stephenie and Bryan. We went to Touch Supper Club, it's a quaint, little restaurant in Ohio City. Learning from my previous eating experience I chose my food wisely this time. I ate a couple pieces of an appetizer, a small salad, and split a small pizza with my husband. Hurray for me, I felt pretty good after. Alright, I'm getting better at this dinning-out thing. Until...
Oh, Sweet Moses. Just take a wild guess what's here... that's right ICE CREAM. Not just any ice cream, homemade ice cream. It's like ice cream heaven. Let me tell you. I decided on a single scoop of cookies and cream. I didn't want to over do it. Considering I was on a good portion-size-streak from dinner.
 Now, I could have gotten more ice cream like someone I know, who shall remain nameless but who's name rhymes with lephenie, but I refrained and chose wiser...
But deep down inside my ice cream-loving/addicted heart I was incredibly jealous. Yes, I envied this gigantic-too-big-to-capture-clearly-by-even-the-nicest-camera... mountain of sweet goodness. I'll stop now before I start drooling on my computer.

Then after the ice cream extravaganza the four of us went on a search for the actors of the Avengers film. They are filming in Cleveland and it was our mission to catch a glimpse of at least someone famous.
Or something...
Yeah, you're seeing it right. A light from WB! I don't think I'd even make this face if I saw Captain America himself. This light was enough for me.

There you have it, a yummy weekend. What I learned: portion size is a beautiful thing... and so is homemade ice cream!

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