Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A well planned shopping trip

It's time to talk about grocery shopping. Let me just add that like packing, which is over now and we are in the unpacking stage... not as bad, I need a shopping buddy. Am I just prone to loneliness? I think it's that I get bored easily and I love talking to people when I buy things... not strangers in the store, I'm not that crazy. But, I like picking something up and being like, "Oh, I didn't know they sold this! I could use this in a recipe. It would be good with this. This looks yummy, should I try it?" Blah-di-blah-blah I'm sure is echoing through my buddy's head. It's better that I talk to someone and not to myself though...

Anyway, I thought I would indulge you in my grocery shopping experience since I like talking about food so much. It starts before the store though. I've recently been planning our meals for a 2 week period, that's how often I shop. And because I'm a super organized person I needed a system. So I started one and am giving it a whirl. If anyone else has a simpler method than mine I'm all ears. But, for now this works for me.

I start by getting out all my cookbooks, magazines and my recipe box and scour through them.  I look on the internet too. Usually on Allrecipes.com and Rachael Ray. I've had the best experiences with those 2 sites.

Then, when I choose about 8 recipes, I write them down on a piece of paper.

I try not to find 10 recipes to fill the 10 days of the 2 weeks... I know there are 14 days in 2 weeks I just don't like planning on the weekend because anything can come up, date night, family's house for dinner, leftovers, you name it. Same goes for the week days. I like to leave 1 or 2 days for a frozen meal or leftovers. That way I didn't plan on making a dinner that called for a bunch of fresh food and then something comes up and it would be a huge waste. I'm trying to avoid that, which is why I started planning.

So... after I find the recipes and write them down, as seen above, I list all the recipes and the ingredients I need on more paper.

Then... it keeps going! I transfer this list onto the final list where I write other things I need not related to recipes... all on another piece of paper. It sounds kind of silly, but I like the organization of it. I could probably use this list, above, and add to it but it looks crazy to me.

And then... it never ends, it's an ongoing, paper-wasting , food-writing system... I write the meals on a weekly calendar that stays on my fridge.

So, with my list and shopping buddy in tow, I head off... to...that's right you guessed it... TRADER JOES! I do the majority of my shopping there because I know there are no hidden preservatives or nasty-nesses... yes, it's a word, in my food dictionary. I also like their food options. Almost everything I have tried from there has been really good! Even if I didn't like much there I would still go to fulfill my deep love for their ice cream.

Finally, to end my shopping journey, my fridge is now full of food for the next 2 weeks and it thanks me for making it look so good.

Oh, and there's a bonus to shopping with a buddy who happens to be my husband...

Fresh flowers to go along with all the yummy fresh food!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pepper Power

Last night I made a meal from Rachael Ray's Look + Cook recipe book. Which, by the way, I love and think all recipe books should have step-by-step instructions with pictures... for those of us who are visual learners. I tend to shy away from recipes without pictures.

The recipe I made was paprika chicken with egg noodles. Sounds yummy, I know. If you saw the picture you would agree even more. That's what got me was the picture. See, I'm a visual learner.

The main veggie in this dish was red peppers.

Now, I love peppers. Side note... I never used to. But, I tried one from my parents garden a few years ago and started liking them since. Picky eaters out there, you can't say you don't like it unless you try it. I can say that from experience. I was super picky... down-right picky it was pathetic. And no one likes to feed a pathetic picky eating child... sorry mom for all those years of mac-n-cheese and frozen green beans. Oh the food out there just waiting to reach my mundane and sad little taste buds. My taste buds are now thanking me. There are so many great things to try. And cooking is a great way to do it. Anywaaay... off my soapbox and back to the peppers.

I like them now and will eat them raw with dip or cooked in a dish. I will eat them in a house, I will eat them with a mouse...

Oh this post will never get to the point

What was I getting at? Oh yeah, I like peppers, but they don't always treat me well. It's a love-hate relationship. I love them but they don't always return the affection. That's what this is all about. But to the recipe first...

I added onions and the peppers to the skillet, after cooking pieces of chicken.

I put the chicken back in and added the spices: paprika and allspice. With some chicken stock and some mixin with my fun green spoon I was on my way.

Meanwhile, I was cooking the egg noodles and chopping up some herbies. Herbies is my affectionate name for my herb friends. When I grew my own I would run in from work each day and talk to them and call them my herbies... Needless to say Jeff looks and me a little differently since then.: )

The herbs I used were dill and chives. I had never used dill before, a new herbie friend... welcome, I liked it. It smelled like a mix between parsley and a pickle.

When the pasta was al dente I drained it... who am I kidding, I don't think I've ever mastered the art of al dente they are always a little on the over done side.

Oh yeah, I rock an apron, that's right! One day I'll post about my aprons... I have some old ones from the 50's my sister and I used to play dress up in. I'll do an apron fashion show, oh that sounds fun... I need a hobby.

So I added the herbies to the pasta and poured the chicken and peppers over it.

It's a purdy little dish. Tasted good too. I was expecting a little more flavor but I could always fix that by adding more of the spices.

Now, back to the peppers and the whole reason I brought them up in the first place.

I like them but they can be a Crohn's culprit. Ooo I like that. I'm out to catch the criminal responsible for fullness and an overall yuck feeling. Like I said, I need a hobby.

It's hard to explain how I feel sometimes. I didn't feel pain or cramping. It was just a blah, full, even gassy feeling. I got really tired and didn't feel like doing much. It went away though and I felt hungry again. Crazy how my body works. I know now that I should probably avoid peppers, at least in a large quantity like this. It can be hard sometimes to sacrifice foods you like, I recently ate alfredo sauce and it didn't agree with me, but if it means feeling good and knowing I'm making choices that will nourish me,  I'll make the sacrifice.

I am still so grateful my God is with me. Even though last night wasn't anything big or awful, I knew He was with me. I knew He would never leave me. And, I know He will always be my Healer.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Movin' On Up...

Or down...and more toward the West side... Jeff and I are moving in a little under 2 weeks to my parent's basement. We are hoping to start saving for a house. And, to be honest it's also teaching us how to live simply. We can't have as much stuff as we used to, there's not as much room, and the closet is not as big... that's the kicker. I went through a lot of my clothes. I feel good, liberated, free from the weight of enough clothes to open my own boutique. My thought is; I'm one person who does not need this many clothes when there are many people who could benefit from them who don't have many clothes at all. Anyway... that's a side note. Back to moving.

The basement is ready and we did a lot of packing this weekend. You may be thinking, where's the food? There's some. But I thought this would be another good topic related to Crohn's... stress.

Stress is something that can play as big a role in Crohn's as food. I've heard people joke, "You're giving me an ulcer." Well, it's a pretty true statement. Stress can lead to more inflammation and ulcers... now that's no fun.

So, when it came to moving I had a feeling I would need to watch my stress level. Now, another side note, I'm not one to stress out or get worked up easily. But it doesn't take much to bring on that feeling of I.can't.do.this.right.now. That's why God gave me a husband... a very understanding and patient husband. Because when I get to the point when I throw my hands up and give up, I need help or I might let the overwhelming feeling turn into stress and stress turns to watch out intestines here comes a battle. Weird correlation, I know.

 I fell into a packing paralysis. I didn't know where to start, what to pack in what box, does this need to be stored or opened later, will I use this now or never, and on and on. I needed a packing buddy at all times. I was not to be left alone or you may have found me lying in the fetal position amid a slew of empty boxes. Yes, that bad. So I had the help of my husband and my mom. Two people who know me well... too well... and can be the ones to snap their fingers in front of my face and gently shake me out of my stupor.

It all started in the kitchen. I tried to pack on my own... bad idea, I know. I packed a couple boxes of things I would not be opening until a house. That's where I left it. Then my mom comes in and looks in my cupboards. It was a do or die situation... literally, those may have been her words, put to a realty TV host's voice. Like when someone hoards things and the family is so concerned and makes the women get rid of her things. Makes being the key word. My cupboards are now bare. I felt like Old Mother Hubbard, without the dog.

It felt good though. I knew it was done and I didn't have to worry about it, aka... stress about it.

Saturday Jeff and I took the whole day to pack and paint. Well, he painted... and packed... I helped. Like a shake n' bake... only more boxes and less breadcrumbs.  Like I said, I needed a packing buddy at all times. When it came time to paint it was all Jeff. Stand back red walls you are no match for the fun that is up in this piece.

Needless to say we had some fun. That's usually how it is... when it comes down to it the best medicine is laughter and it relieves stress like no other... thanks Jeff, for always putting a smile on my face!

 I love that man!

So, he painted and painted. I watched and took pictures... oh wait I did tape so the paint wouldn't get on the trim. I'm a great helper!

There you have it. Good bye red, hello white primer. Lookin' good walls.

Now for a little peek at some food. You didn't think I would post and not share what I ate. I didn't really cook, to be honest. I usually don't on the weekends. I like to be flexible, leave room for leftovers, and mini frozen pizzas, and Joe's O's. (Yes, from Trader Joe's, and yes, better than the original.)

And these...
Saturday morning + pancakes + my husband making them = pure bliss

And this...

My mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Hands down the best soup ever!

So, I was pretty spoiled this weekend. I got to enjoy two delicious meals from two wonderful people.
Mmm mmm good!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Date in, take out

On Friday, Jeff and I had an indoor date, aww... I know. One, because we love each other and enjoy spending time together. And two, well, it's cheaper that way.
Our meal of choice: chicken and broccolini with an orange marmalade sauce. Almost like a Chinese take-out only we didn't have to take-out, we took-in... we made it ourselves.
Jeff's job in making our date night meal was to cut up the chicken into bite-size pieces... let me just say he's good at it. You might be thinking, how can cutting up chicken be an art, well in my book it is and my artist of a husband can cut up a mean piece of chicken.

While the chicken was cooking I was boiling water for the broccolini... wait, don't you mean broccoli? No, I do not. I mean what I say and I say what I mean... I've never heard of it before this recipe either... no worries. It's a longer, darker, thinner version of broccoli.

So, after the chicken was seasoned and cooked through, I added the cooked broccolini, soy sauce and marmalade.

I let those tasty ingredients hang out in the skillet for a while and do what they do best.

Meanwhile.. I cooked the rice and cut up some scallions to mix in the rice after it was cooked.

I cheat and use the minute rice. It only takes 5 minutes, it's white rice, and it probably has the nutritional value of air, but it gets the job done.

We decided to, since this was a Chinese style meal, eat on the coffee table and sit on the floor. You know like they do in China, or do they? I don't really know. It was fun to pretend though.

And, another reason we ate there...

Our kitchen table wasn't quite fit for dinning. (We're in the process of packing... to move this month. More on that later)

We both really enjoyed the dinner. It was so fresh and light. Very tasty too, full of that zesty oriental flare.
So sad we didn't have any egg rolls, but we had dinner rolls. Same idea, right?

You may think this post is over, well, you're sadly mistaken. It's not. I have to confess something, because it was part of date night. Something that can cause a strain in my marriage, a barrier to proper communication. My hunger. Let me just say that when I am hungry, watch out! It's like coming too close to those geese by a pond, one step near them and you're pecked and chased and skwabled at. It's not pretty. I don't know exactly what it is but I have a very hard time when I'm hungry. I get a little rude and short with people... usually my husband, and I let my attitude get the best of me.
Let's be honest. It's pride. I let what I want and what I'm feeling dictate how I behave. But I know better and know it's not right or fair to my husband that he gets the brunt of my goose-like behavior. Ways I'm trying to overcome it; prayer. It may seem silly but if it's something that causes me to act in a way that's not pleasing God and respecting my husband, it needs to stop. Another way to battle my hunger... eat. Duh, you may be saying. Well yeah it seems like a given but I never do it. So, the next time I'm feeling like I could chop someone's head off instead of an onion, I'll snack on something.
I have to say, my husband is a very patient man and I couldn't do any of this, life, battling sin, hunger, you name it, without him.

Like I've said before, I'm not always happy, despite my blog title. I struggle with things but through them I find Jesus waiting to forgive...always. And that's when true joy happens; when I realize I have been redeemed and loved with an everlasting love.

One last thing. You didn't think we could have a date night without dessert did you? You may be thinking you can guess what we had, am I that predictable. Well, you're close... cause I can read your mind and all.

We had a little of this

With a little of this

And did a little of this with some milk

And got this

No words... I have no words.

Again, this recipe is from Rachael Ray. And this time I didn't do anything to change it. It was good how it was!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Move over Manwich

Manwich has always been a family favorite when it comes to sloppy joes. But not today! I'm shaking it up... throw out the old school sloppy joes, bring on the new school. Is there such thing as new school?... well there is now and it's gooood.

I always thought making sloppy joes from scratch would be time consuming but it's really not. It's not only easy but so worth it to choose the ingredients you want in your joes.

I started off by browning the meat... see the same old school way, not getting too crazy yet. I cut up half an onion and threw that in there... still nothing too crazy. And then when the Manwich should be going in and the joe making should be done... well that's when the fun begins, that's when it gets cra-zy.

The mix-in's are tomato paste, water, garlic, paprika, brown sugar, oregano, salt and pepper and a little barbecue sauce. If there's not enough tomato paste to my liking I'll put a few squirts of ketchup in. And voila! Now that wasn't too scary, was it? 

And, sorry Manwich, but the taste is oh-so-much-better. Flavorful, fresh, and good-for-ya. Can't get better than that. That's probably my favorite part of cooking; I know what I'm eating. I get to choose what can go in and what should stay out. And that my friends makes my belly smile. Weird mental picture just took place in my head... Anyway...

How did my sloppy joes minus the Manwich do for me later on... great!

The french fries... how could I forget. They're Alexia brand which is all natural and sooo tasty. Who knew french fries could be good to eat and good for you!

Oh what a great feeling to know I'm feeling good and have more than enough room for my sweet treat of a friend... ice cream, of course.

I found this recipe on Allrecipes.com but, like always, I changed it up a bit and made it my own. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Holy Guacamole!

Ahh, guacamole, my love. Sorry ice cream, but if I had to choose what to eat with my tacos, chips, or anything dip-able it would be the guacamole. And speaking of tacos... that's what this post is all about. Yo quiero taco!

Usually, when I make tacos  I use chicken, taco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese... oh and sour cream-for my husband. So when I decided I was going to make tacos this time around I wanted to spice it up a bit, give them some flare, some pizazz, some gusto, some... you get the idea. I still used chicken but that is it for my original, dare I say boring, tacos that are so 2010. What? Anyway...

On with the tacos, andale, andale!

First, or should I say numero uno, I made the mixture for the rice. The mixture was everything verde... green!
Spinach leaves, cilantro, jalapeño pepper, and green onions- all mixed together in a food processor.

I have never cooked with a jalapeño pepper before, but I knew to take all the seeds out so it wouldn't be too hot. Isn't it so cute?

After everyone danced around in the processor for a while I set it aside in a bowl to mix with the rice later on.

Next came the actual taco part, the goods on the inside. I seasoned the chicken with different spices and let that cook. Then I took it out of the pan and put in red peppers and onions.

I also made corn and fire-roasted tomatoes while the peppers and onions were doin' their thang.

Because of my love for guacamole I had that too. And an avocado... I have never, like the jalapeño, cooked with, or cut an avocado. It was tricky. I knew to take the pit out but that's about it. I wanted it to look pretty like I see in restaurants, the nice little half-moon slices, nope not mine. I did the best I could.

After mixing the rice with my green-saucy-mixture and warming up my tortillas it was dinner time!

Oh, muy, muy yummito! It was a fiesta in my mouth.

The verdict on how I felt a few hours later... good! Oh, my little Spanish friend,  te amo!

Just a couple things. First, the recipe is from Rachael Ray's website, I can't take the credit. But I did add and delete a few things to make it my own. Second, I deeply apologize for my attempt at Spanish... that's all 2 years of it in high school got me... Adios!