Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Date in, take out

On Friday, Jeff and I had an indoor date, aww... I know. One, because we love each other and enjoy spending time together. And two, well, it's cheaper that way.
Our meal of choice: chicken and broccolini with an orange marmalade sauce. Almost like a Chinese take-out only we didn't have to take-out, we took-in... we made it ourselves.
Jeff's job in making our date night meal was to cut up the chicken into bite-size pieces... let me just say he's good at it. You might be thinking, how can cutting up chicken be an art, well in my book it is and my artist of a husband can cut up a mean piece of chicken.

While the chicken was cooking I was boiling water for the broccolini... wait, don't you mean broccoli? No, I do not. I mean what I say and I say what I mean... I've never heard of it before this recipe either... no worries. It's a longer, darker, thinner version of broccoli.

So, after the chicken was seasoned and cooked through, I added the cooked broccolini, soy sauce and marmalade.

I let those tasty ingredients hang out in the skillet for a while and do what they do best.

Meanwhile.. I cooked the rice and cut up some scallions to mix in the rice after it was cooked.

I cheat and use the minute rice. It only takes 5 minutes, it's white rice, and it probably has the nutritional value of air, but it gets the job done.

We decided to, since this was a Chinese style meal, eat on the coffee table and sit on the floor. You know like they do in China, or do they? I don't really know. It was fun to pretend though.

And, another reason we ate there...

Our kitchen table wasn't quite fit for dinning. (We're in the process of packing... to move this month. More on that later)

We both really enjoyed the dinner. It was so fresh and light. Very tasty too, full of that zesty oriental flare.
So sad we didn't have any egg rolls, but we had dinner rolls. Same idea, right?

You may think this post is over, well, you're sadly mistaken. It's not. I have to confess something, because it was part of date night. Something that can cause a strain in my marriage, a barrier to proper communication. My hunger. Let me just say that when I am hungry, watch out! It's like coming too close to those geese by a pond, one step near them and you're pecked and chased and skwabled at. It's not pretty. I don't know exactly what it is but I have a very hard time when I'm hungry. I get a little rude and short with people... usually my husband, and I let my attitude get the best of me.
Let's be honest. It's pride. I let what I want and what I'm feeling dictate how I behave. But I know better and know it's not right or fair to my husband that he gets the brunt of my goose-like behavior. Ways I'm trying to overcome it; prayer. It may seem silly but if it's something that causes me to act in a way that's not pleasing God and respecting my husband, it needs to stop. Another way to battle my hunger... eat. Duh, you may be saying. Well yeah it seems like a given but I never do it. So, the next time I'm feeling like I could chop someone's head off instead of an onion, I'll snack on something.
I have to say, my husband is a very patient man and I couldn't do any of this, life, battling sin, hunger, you name it, without him.

Like I've said before, I'm not always happy, despite my blog title. I struggle with things but through them I find Jesus waiting to forgive...always. And that's when true joy happens; when I realize I have been redeemed and loved with an everlasting love.

One last thing. You didn't think we could have a date night without dessert did you? You may be thinking you can guess what we had, am I that predictable. Well, you're close... cause I can read your mind and all.

We had a little of this

With a little of this

And did a little of this with some milk

And got this

No words... I have no words.

Again, this recipe is from Rachael Ray. And this time I didn't do anything to change it. It was good how it was!

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