Monday, September 12, 2011

Movin' On Up...

Or down...and more toward the West side... Jeff and I are moving in a little under 2 weeks to my parent's basement. We are hoping to start saving for a house. And, to be honest it's also teaching us how to live simply. We can't have as much stuff as we used to, there's not as much room, and the closet is not as big... that's the kicker. I went through a lot of my clothes. I feel good, liberated, free from the weight of enough clothes to open my own boutique. My thought is; I'm one person who does not need this many clothes when there are many people who could benefit from them who don't have many clothes at all. Anyway... that's a side note. Back to moving.

The basement is ready and we did a lot of packing this weekend. You may be thinking, where's the food? There's some. But I thought this would be another good topic related to Crohn's... stress.

Stress is something that can play as big a role in Crohn's as food. I've heard people joke, "You're giving me an ulcer." Well, it's a pretty true statement. Stress can lead to more inflammation and ulcers... now that's no fun.

So, when it came to moving I had a feeling I would need to watch my stress level. Now, another side note, I'm not one to stress out or get worked up easily. But it doesn't take much to bring on that feeling of I.can' That's why God gave me a husband... a very understanding and patient husband. Because when I get to the point when I throw my hands up and give up, I need help or I might let the overwhelming feeling turn into stress and stress turns to watch out intestines here comes a battle. Weird correlation, I know.

 I fell into a packing paralysis. I didn't know where to start, what to pack in what box, does this need to be stored or opened later, will I use this now or never, and on and on. I needed a packing buddy at all times. I was not to be left alone or you may have found me lying in the fetal position amid a slew of empty boxes. Yes, that bad. So I had the help of my husband and my mom. Two people who know me well... too well... and can be the ones to snap their fingers in front of my face and gently shake me out of my stupor.

It all started in the kitchen. I tried to pack on my own... bad idea, I know. I packed a couple boxes of things I would not be opening until a house. That's where I left it. Then my mom comes in and looks in my cupboards. It was a do or die situation... literally, those may have been her words, put to a realty TV host's voice. Like when someone hoards things and the family is so concerned and makes the women get rid of her things. Makes being the key word. My cupboards are now bare. I felt like Old Mother Hubbard, without the dog.

It felt good though. I knew it was done and I didn't have to worry about it, aka... stress about it.

Saturday Jeff and I took the whole day to pack and paint. Well, he painted... and packed... I helped. Like a shake n' bake... only more boxes and less breadcrumbs.  Like I said, I needed a packing buddy at all times. When it came time to paint it was all Jeff. Stand back red walls you are no match for the fun that is up in this piece.

Needless to say we had some fun. That's usually how it is... when it comes down to it the best medicine is laughter and it relieves stress like no other... thanks Jeff, for always putting a smile on my face!

 I love that man!

So, he painted and painted. I watched and took pictures... oh wait I did tape so the paint wouldn't get on the trim. I'm a great helper!

There you have it. Good bye red, hello white primer. Lookin' good walls.

Now for a little peek at some food. You didn't think I would post and not share what I ate. I didn't really cook, to be honest. I usually don't on the weekends. I like to be flexible, leave room for leftovers, and mini frozen pizzas, and Joe's O's. (Yes, from Trader Joe's, and yes, better than the original.)

And these...
Saturday morning + pancakes + my husband making them = pure bliss

And this...

My mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Hands down the best soup ever!

So, I was pretty spoiled this weekend. I got to enjoy two delicious meals from two wonderful people.
Mmm mmm good!

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